What we Do

OsiruSoft designs hardware and software and provides technical support for automation and production of customized parts for various industries, as well as Internet solutions and services. Our goal is to be one of the leaders of 21st century technology, and to develop business relationships with individuals and companies who share similar goals and ideals. As an expert in the field of automation, keeping manufacturing costs low is the number 1 priority, providing contract lifetime warranties for all products.


OsiruSoft maintains all ownership of all designs source codes and patent rights (where applicable), but offers attractive and irrevocable commissions to its clients, which include commissions of 10% of any sale of future products.


Technical Support and Upgrades

OsiruSoft will support and enhancement of products based on the level of customer support required, and provides enhancement of products on demand. Because of the consistent funding for development and support, all upgrades are considered pre-paid. We do not sell or design products that do not allow for software upgrades and technical support. Products

The ORE Network

The ORE Network is simply put, a method of networking, which includes secure transfer of data as well as providing alternative protocols and distributions to OsiruSoft's ever-growing client and Client/Server customer base.


OreTek is a scalable foot orthotic manufacturing system.

How to reach us

OsiruSoft Research & Engineering
233 Burt Street Van Wert, Ohio 45891
Voice: 567-259-3038
Fax: 567-259-3054
113 W. Main Street, Van Wert, OH 45891
Voice: 419-910-9163

skype: osirusoft
Contact: info@oretek.com